Form for Membership, Donation and Publication

The annual minimum membership fee is € 511,30.
I would like to support the FGF with a donation. Please send me a letter for my tax deduction.
I would like to become a further member (juristic persons and private individuals) of the Society of Founders of the International Peace University (FGF).
I would like to become a regular member (only juristic persons) of the Society of Founders of the International Peace University (FGF) - only juristic persons.
  I would like to order following publications:
"Living Special Friedensuniversität". € 6.15 plus € 2.60 postage fee.
"Unterwegs auf neuen Lebens- und Erziehungswegen - Special Issue Friedensuniversität".€ 4,10 plus € 1,80 postage fee.
"Frieden durch Dialog - Auf dem Weg zur Internationalen Friedensuniversität." € 15,30 plus € 3,10 postage fee.
"Mitgefühl als Weg zum Frieden. Meine Gespräche mit dem Dalai Lama" € 16,40 plus.€ 3,10 postage fee.
"Die Bewusstseins-Revolution"€ 18,41 plus € 3,10 postage fee.
"Projekt Friedensuniversität: Von der Konfrontation zur dialogischen Kultur".€ 23,00 plus € 3,10 postage fee.
"Die Kraft der Visionen." € 45,50 plus € 3,10 postage fee
"Visionen für das 21. Jahrhundert." € 45,50 plus € 3,10 postage fee
Beneficiary Double CD:
"Voices for Peace." BMG Ariola Media. 156 Minutes. € 20,40 plus € 1,18 postage fee.


I will transfer the amount to:

  the German account of the FGF (Society of Founders of the International Peace University), account no. 539 551 6002, Berliner Volksbank, BLZ 100 900 00
the Austrian account of the FGF (Society of Founders of the International Peace University), account no. 100 10 498 100, BAWAG Vienna, BLZ 14 000
I am enclosing a personal check.

If you want to send this form as fax off-line, you click here.
